Ezopovy bajky
Čtenářský deník
Ezopovy bajky
Žánrové zařazení: (epické) bajky
Z této sbírky bajek jsem vybrala tyto tři bajky:
- Zajíci a žáby
- Lev a pastýř
- Pravdomluvný, lhář a opice
Zajíci a žáby
Postavy: žáby, zajíci
Děj bajky (o čem to je):
Zajíci už nemohou snést své životy plné nejistoty a nebezpečí. Proto se rozhodnou spáchat hromadnou sebevraždu skokem do rybníka. Když se zajíci blíží k rybníku, spatří, jak žáby sedící v trávě strachy naskákali do rybníka. V tom si jeden zajíc uvědomí, že oni nejsou jediní, kdo je na tom špatně a je přece lepší nést bídu života trpělivě, zvláště když to nemusí být navždy a praví to ostatním.
Ponaučení: To, co se nyní děje i když je to hrozné není na vždy. Život se skládá jak z dobrého, tak ze špatného.
Lev a pastýř:
Postavy: zraněný lev, strachuplný pastýř, lidé a soudce, ovce
Lev si zarazí trn do tlapy, která mu opuchne. Lva napadne, najít pomoc u pastýře a dokulhá se k jeho obydlí. Pastýř má však z lva strach, aby mu neublížil, radši mu podhazuje ovce. O ty lev nejeví zájem a přitom vrtí ocasem, aby se pastýř nebál. Nakonec se lev dopajdá až k pastýři, který když spatří lvovo zranění, tak mu pomůže.
Za nějaký čas je lev chycen lidmi na bojovou slavnost, při které má být zabit právě ten pastýř, který mu pomohl. Pastýř je hozen do jámy jako potrava pro divou zvěř. Jakmile je lev vpuštěn, pozná svého zachránce a brání ho proti ostatním. Všechny přítomné to velice dojme, a když pastýř vypoví a vysvětlí svůj zážitek se lvem, i soudce se smiluje.
Ponaučení: Čiň druhému v dobrém, on se k tobě bude také tak chovat. Dobrý skutek se ti jednou vrátí.
Pravdomluvný, lhář a opice
Postavy: úlisný lhář, pravdomluvný člověk, opičí král, opice
Pravdomluvný a lhář putují světem, až se dostanou do opičí země, kde panuje samozvaný opičí král. Ten je nechá zajmout a odnést k nejvyššímu místu, kam si nechá přenést trůn a svolá všechny obyvatele. Opičí král se tázá zajatců, za koho ho považují. Lhář praví, že opičák je král a ostatní jsou jeho dvořané a všechny je vychválí. Opičák lháře štědře odmění. Po té chce znát odpověď pravdomluvného zajatce. Ten řekne, že všichni jsou opice. Samozvaný vládce ho nechá opicemi roztrhat.
Ponaučení: Není snadné říci celou pravdu pánům, vždy je na tom lépe ten, který ostatním pochlebuje, než ten, který je upřímný.
Vyprávění v er-formě, epické. Pochází z počátku Antiky, bajky se odehrávají v různých prostředích například statek, les. Tato knížka se mi líbila. Jsem ráda, že jsem si mohla přečíst některé pro mě zatím neznámé bajky.
Ezop (řecky Αἴσωπος, Aisópos) je považován za zakladatele bajek. Působil v Řecku asi v 6. století př. n. l. Jeho tvorba byla z počátku přednášena jen ústně a zapsána byla až ve 3. století př. n. l. (Demétrios Falerón, autorem latinského, veršovaného textu je Phaedrus).
Údaje o autorovi nejsou spolehlivě doloženy. S Ezopovým jménem byla ve starověku spojována většina bajek, ať už byly napsány prózou nebo ve verších. Některé zdroje uvádí, že byl ošklivý a hrbatý, leč velmi chytrý a duchaplný řecký otrok, který díky své duchaplnosti získal od svého pána svobodu. Ezop za svého života hodně cestoval. Pomocí bajek poukazoval na nešvary tehdejší doby.O několik let později umírá na ostrově Samos.
Základem bajky je alegorie, kdy zvířata jednají jako lidé a z tohoto jednání vyplyne nějaké poučení, či kritika chyby, která ve většině případech bývá čtenářovi již známa. Jednotlivá zvířata tím získávají lidské vlastnosti, které se pro ně tímto stávají typické:
· Lev - síla
· Šakal - úlisnost a prohnanost
· Liška – mazanost, vychytralost
· Býk – prostosrdečnost
· Myš – obětavost
· Psi – věrnost a družnost
· Zajíc – vychytralost atd.
V reálném světě zvířata nemusí být nositeli těchto vlastností, ale lidé jim je z nějakého důvodu (např. vizuálního) přisoudili, tyto vlastnosti.
Cílem bajky je kritizovat nějaké společenské nešvary, působit na lidi a vychovat je k odstranění těchto zlozvyků. Nejčastěji se tak děje humornou formou, pomocí ironie a satiry.
Přehled komentářů
Могут ли папилломы появиться снова после удаления лазером?
Хотя лазерное удаление эффективно устраняет существующие папилломы, вирус, вызывающий их, может оставаться в организме. Это означает, что существует вероятность повторного появления папиллом, особенно если не соблюдать профилактические меры, такие как укрепление иммунной системы и поддержание гигиены.
Can papillomas reappear after laser removal?
While laser removal effectively eliminates existing papillomas, the virus causing them can remain in the body. This means there is a possibility of papillomas reappearing, especially if preventive measures such as strengthening the immune system and maintaining hygiene are not followed.
Portable balancer Balanset-1A effectively reduces noise
(LarryReD, 21. 7. 2024 0:35)Addressing the balance in wind tunnel fans for aerospace testing was critical for accurate data collection. Vibromera's solutions made a significant impact. Learn more on their website https://vibromera.eu/uncategorized/vacuum-pumps-balancing-stand/
Balanset-1A for critical machinery protection against premature wear
(Georgefoexy, 20. 7. 2024 22:06)Addressing the balance in wind tunnel fans for aerospace testing was critical for accurate data collection. Vibromera's solutions made a significant impact. Learn more on their website https://vibromera.eu/example/dynamic-balancing-of-rubberized-shafts-on-a-lathe-machine/
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Darknet Market
(DonaldOdops, 20. 7. 2024 0:00)
The Psychology of a Darknet Market User: Insights from Darkweb
Surviving Scams on Darkweb: A Buyer's Safety Guide
From Drugs to Digital Goods: The Diverse Offerings of Darkweb Darknet Market
Darkweb Darknet Market is an online marketplace on the Darknet accessible through anonymous networks such as Tor. It is one of the oldest and most reliable darknet markets, providing access to various goods and services that cannot be found on the regular Internet.
Лазерное удаление папиллом
(Lazernoe_ytEt, 18. 7. 2024 8:17)
Как проходит консультация перед лазерным удалением папиллом?
На консультации перед лазерным удалением папиллом врач проводит осмотр, оценивает состояние новообразований и решает, подходит ли этот метод лечения. Также могут быть назначены дополнительные исследования, такие как биопсия, чтобы исключить злокачественные новообразования.
How is the consultation before laser removal of papillomas conducted?
During the consultation before laser removal of papillomas, the doctor examines the growths, assesses their condition, and determines if this treatment method is suitable. Additional tests, such as a biopsy, may also be prescribed to rule out malignant growths.
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Darknet Market
(DonaldOdops, 17. 7. 2024 22:46)
Navigating the Shadows: The Rise of Darkweb Darknet Market
The Digital Black Market: A Deep Dive into Darkweb Darknet Market
Unveiling Darkweb: The Hidden Market of the Dark Web
Darkweb is a dark market that operates on the Darknet, an encrypted network accessible only through specialized software such as TOR. This anonymity allows users to trade a variety of illegal goods and services.
Лазерное удаление папиллом
(Lazernoe_kkKa, 17. 7. 2024 19:24)
Что делать, если после удаления папилломы появилась корочка?
Появление корочки после лазерного удаления папилломы является нормальным этапом заживления. Важно не срывать корочку и избегать ее повреждения. Корочка обычно отпадает самостоятельно через несколько дней, оставляя здоровую кожу. Если появляются признаки инфекции или сильное покраснение, необходимо обратиться к врачу.
What to do if a scab appears after papilloma removal?
The appearance of a scab after laser removal of a papilloma is a normal part of the healing process. It is important not to pick at the scab and avoid damaging it. The scab usually falls off on its own within a few days.
Самоклейка пленка недорого в Львове
(Самоклейка в ванную, 17. 7. 2024 8:53)
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Картридж Canon заправка в Киеве недорого
(Картридж Canon заправка, 17. 7. 2024 4:59)
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Minimizing operational noise pollution with advanced Vibromera solutions
(CharlesSpade, 16. 7. 2024 19:07)When there was a need to balance a turbine, the Balanset-1A came to our aid. Thanks to this equipment, we were able to significantly reduce vibration levels and extend the machine's service life. Information about the used methodologies can be found on Vibromera's website https://vibromera.eu/example/rotor-balancing-in-crusher-machines/
Где и как купить диплом о высшем образовании без лишних рисков
(Manreut, 16. 7. 2024 10:29)
<u><b> Добрый день!</b></u>
Где заказать диплом по нужной специальности?
Мы можем предложить документы ВУЗов, расположенных в любом регионе РФ. Можно купить диплом за любой год, указав актуальную специальность и оценки за все дисциплины. Дипломы печатаются на "правильной" бумаге самого высшего качества. Это дает возможности делать настоящие дипломы, не отличимые от оригинала. Документы будут заверены необходимыми печатями и подписями.
<b>Мы изготавливаем дипломы</b> любой профессии по невысоким тарифам.
<u><b> Рады помочь!<u><b>
Как избежать рисков при покупке диплома колледжа или ПТУ в России
(Uazraun, 16. 7. 2024 9:24)
<u><b> Привет!</b></u>
Где заказать диплом по необходимой специальности?
Полученный диплом со всеми печатями и подписями полностью отвечает стандартам Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, никто не отличит его от оригинала.
<b>Приобрести диплом ВУЗа.</b>
How to Determine High-Quality Fake Bags
(Carlossit, 16. 7. 2024 9:09)
Before you begin shopping, educate yourself concerning the particular designer bag you're interested in. Record the distinct characteristics, materials, & assembly aspects that make it stand out.
Inspect the Materials
Top-quality replicas utilize materials that almost replicate those of the genuine. Look for bags crafted from authentic leather or superior synthetic materials. Low-quality imitations often use low-cost materials that are easy to detect.
Examine the Craftsmanship
Examine the sewing closely. Luxury brands and their high-end replicas have consistent, tight, & neat stitching. Loose or uneven stitches are a red warning
Give Attention to Hardware
The hardware (zippers, buckles, clasps) on a imitation bag should be durable and have a superior feel. It should also match the color and design of the authentic.
Evaluate the Interior
A top-quality replica will have an interior that is as carefully constructed as the exterior. Inspect for quality lining, pockets, and brand tags that match the original design.
Premium imitations must match the heft and dimensions of the genuine. Authentic designer purses are often heavier due to the utilization of high-quality materials, so a high-quality replica must feel significant.Conclusion
Search for Genuine Wrapping
A lot of high-quality duplicates arrive with boxing that resembles the genuine, like dust bags, containers, and veracity documents. While not a guarantee of quality, decent wrapping is a good sign.
Peruse Feedback and Purchase from Trusted Vendors
Buyer reviews may give useful information into the high-quality of a duplicate purse. Select for sellers with good feedback and a standing for providing premium items.
Finding a high-quality fake handbag demands an discerning sight and a bit of research, but a payoff is an stylish item that contributes an dash of opulence to your collection excluding the brand-name price. Regardless you're a clothing lover, a discount hunter, or somebody which loves the appearance of opulence, replica handbags offer a fashionable choice.
The Way to be able to Identify Top-Quality Fake Bags
(JoshuaHycle, 16. 7. 2024 6:14)
Before you begin shopping, inform yourself regarding the specific upscale bag you are interested in. Record the special traits, components, and construction aspects that render it stand out.
Examine the Materials
Top-quality copies employ materials that almost imitate those of the original. Search for bags created from genuine leather or high-grade synthetic materials. Poor-quality copies often utilize cheap materials that are easy to identify.
Examine the Workmanship
Inspect the stitching carefully. Luxury brands & their premium replicas have uniform, tight, and neat stitching. Loose or irregular stitches are a red warning
Pay Attention to Hardware
The hardware (zippers, buckles, clasps) on a copy bag should be durable and have a high-quality feel. It should also match the color and design of the genuine.
Examine the Interior
A top-quality copy will have an interior that is as meticulously made as the exterior. Inspect for quality lining, pockets, and brand tags that match the authentic design.
High-quality duplicates ought to match the heft and size of the authentic. Real luxury handbags are often heavier due to the utilization of high-quality substances, so a decent replica should seem significant.Conclusion
Look for Authentic Packaging
A lot of high-quality imitations are packaged with boxing that resembles the authentic, such as storage pouches, containers, and authenticity certificates. Although not a assurance of superior, high-quality packaging is a favorable sign.
Read Testimonials and Buy from Reliable Sellers
Client reviews might give useful insights into the superior of a duplicate purse. Opt for sellers with good testimonials and a reputation for providing high-quality items.
Locating a premium fake handbag requires an keen eye and a bit of investigation, yet a payoff will be a stylish item which adds a touch of elegance to your wardrobe minus the designer price. Whether you're a style aficionado, a deal buyer, or a person that adores the aesthetic of luxury, fake purses present a stylish alternative.
The Way to Identify Top-Quality Replica Bags
(Waltersnide, 16. 7. 2024 3:19)
Before you start buying, educate yourself concerning the specific luxury purse you’re interested in. Record the unique features, components, & assembly details that make it stand out.
Examine the Materials
Top-quality imitations use materials that almost replicate those of the authentic. Look for bags crafted from authentic leather or superior synthetic materials. Inferior imitations often use low-cost materials that are easy to identify.
Check the Workmanship
Inspect the stitching closely. Premium brands & their premium replicas have uniform, secure, & neat stitching. Loose or uneven stitches are a red warning
Pay Attention to Hardware
The hardware (zippers, clasps, clasps) on a imitation bag should be durable and have a high-quality feel. It should also match the color and design of the original.
Evaluate the Interior
A top-quality replica will have an interior that is as carefully crafted as the exterior. Look for quality lining, pockets, and brand tags that match the original design.
High-quality imitations ought to correspond to the mass and scale of the authentic. Genuine brand-name handbags are commonly heavier due to the utilization of quality materials, so a high-quality imitation ought to feel solid.Conclusion
Seek for Genuine Packaging
A lot of top-notch imitations arrive with packaging that imitates the authentic, including storage sleeves, containers, and genuineness certificates. Even though not a guarantee of quality, good boxing is a favorable indicator.
Review Testimonials and Buy from Reputable Vendors
Buyer reviews might offer valuable insights into the high-quality of a duplicate handbag. Choose for retailers with good feedback and a track record for providing premium items.
Discovering a high-quality replica bag needs a discerning eye plus a little research, but the benefit becomes a fashionable item that contributes a hint of elegance for your wardrobe excluding the designer cost. Regardless you’re a clothing aficionado, a bargain hunter, or somebody which enjoys the look of elegance, imitation handbags provide a stylish option.
The Way to Determine High-Quality Fake Handbags
(ClaudeeLusy, 16. 7. 2024 0:28)
Before you start shopping, educate yourself regarding the exact designer purse you’re interested in. Note the distinct traits, materials, and build aspects that cause it stand out.
Inspect the Materials
Top-quality replicas utilize materials that almost imitate those of the original. Search for bags created from genuine leather or high-grade artificial materials. Low-quality replicas often utilize cheap materials that are effortless to detect.
Check the Workmanship
Examine the stitching meticulously. Premium brands and their premium replicas have uniform, secure, and clean stitching. Loose or irregular stitches are a red warning
Pay Attention to Hardware
The hardware (zippers, buckles, clasps) on a imitation bag should be sturdy and have a superior feel. It should also match the color and design of the original.
Assess the Interior
A high-quality replica will have an interior that is as meticulously made as the exterior. Check for quality lining, pockets, and brand tags that match the original design.
Top-notch duplicates must correspond to the mass and size of the authentic. Authentic luxury handbags are often heavier due to the employment of high-quality materials, so a high-quality duplicate must appear substantial.Conclusion
Search for Genuine Packaging
Numerous high-quality duplicates arrive with boxing that resembles the original, like protective pouches, containers, and veracity cards. Although not a assurance of quality, good boxing is a positive signal.
Read Reviews and Purchase from Reliable Vendors
Client feedback may offer valuable insights into the high-quality of a replica bag. Opt for retailers with positive testimonials and a track record for selling premium products.
Locating an high-quality imitation purse demands an discerning sight and some research, however the payoff becomes an stylish addition that brings an hint of elegance into your wardrobe minus the luxury cost. Whether you’re a clothing lover, a deal buyer, or somebody which adores the appearance of opulence, imitation purses present a stylish choice.
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Лазерное удаление папиллом
(DennisNor, 21. 7. 2024 15:19)